
Ahead in Imaging

The British Society of Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology

Ahead in Imaging

The British Society of Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology



The prize is to encourage those undergraduate students who are studying a dental degree within the UK or Ireland to develop an interest in the specialty of Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology.

Each year the British Society invite undergraduates to enter the competition.

This year the competition is to assess the best research project, audit or quality improvement project related to Dental Radiology.

The competition opens for submissions from 1 October and closes on 31 January 2025

The word limit for submissions is 3500 words, excluding the references and figure legends.

The body of work included in the submission must have been completed during an undergraduate dental degree within the UK or Ireland. Those who have since graduated are permitted to enter the competition, but this must be within 12 months of graduation.

The prize is £750

The winner may be invited to present their work at a BSDMFR meeting.

Please email entries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (receipt will be acknowledged)

Please download the poster to share with colleagues!




The prize is to encourage those undergraduate students who are studying a radiography degree within the UK or Ireland to develop an interest in the specialty of Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology.

Each year the British Society invite undergraduates to enter the competition.

This year the competition is an essay prize entitled “Utilisation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology”.

The competition opens for submissions from 1 October and closes on 31 January 2025

The word limit for submissions is 3500 words, excluding references and figure legends.

The prize is £750

The winner may be invited to present their work at a BSDMFR meeting.

Please email entries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (receipt will be acknowledged)

Please download the poster to share with colleagues!



-Blackman Mason Award

This award was set up in memory of Sidney Blackman, one of the early pioneers of Maxillofacial Radiology and his daughter Rita Mason who was one of the leading teachers of dental radiography to support presenters at European or international DMFR related meetings.

Eligibility: Any UK resident presenting a paper at a European or international DMFR related meeting.

Amount: Up to £750 which is available every 3 years approximately.

Closing Date: Applications including an abstract may be submitted within 12 months prior to a meeting and must be received by the end of December each year.


BSDMFR Travel Bursary

This award was set up to support non consultant BSDMFR members who wish to present at European or international DMFR related meetings.

Eligibility: Any non consultant BSDMFR members presenting a paper at a European or international DMFR or general radiology meeting.

Amount: Up to £750

Closing Date: Applications, including an abstract, may be submitted within 12 months prior to a meeting and must be received by the end of December each year.


BSDMFR 50th Anniversary Educational Award

This award was set in 2008 up to support non consultant BSDMFR members who wish to visit another centre in the UK or abroad for education, research or clinical experience.

Eligibility: Any non consultant BSDMFR member. Successful applicants must submit a written report of their visit.

Amount: Up to £750 available annually.

Closing Date: Applications by the end of December each year. Retrospective applications accepted for visits within the previous 12 months.

Application submission or further information contact:

Dr Phillip Seenan
Honorary Secretary BSDMFR

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.